🥳 Yay - we have received your registration for STRONG TO SCHOOL on December 11th 2022.

You and your child are just a few days away from igniting your child's brain superpower on Sunday, December 11th at The Social Hub at Alexanderplatz in Berlin.

Your Training Times

You have signed up either for a live training on December 11th 2022 for children

  • First Group at 1 pm (13 o'clock) or
  • Second Group at 3:30 pm (15 o'clock).

Please be there min. 15 minutes before the start for a proper registration.

The adult online training will take place on December 7th 2022 at 8 pm (20 o'clock).

Registration on site

Please be at The Social Hub 15 minutes before your training time. Please come only if you feel healthy and have no symptoms of the current virus.

Bring a friend

Would you like to invite your children's friends  - or your friends' children - so that the children can train together? Forward them the invitation so they can sign up for free too: INVITE.

Does your child need motivation to go to the training?

In the meantime, and in case your child is not very fond of going to the training, tell them that

  • they will have a fun time with other children
  • they will feel like superheros after the training
  • that they will feel strong and courageous after the training

And if you or your child understands German, we have a present for you.

Motivating and strenthening cards to print out and read befor the training. Download the cards here: Kraftkarten.

We also have a Spreadshirt-Store where you can find sweet and motivating shirts and other textiles and stickers for children.

See you on the 11th December 2022 (or 7th December)

Please check your email 2 days before the events for more information. In case you signed up for the adult course, you will receive the information 2 days before the training too.

Margarete is looking forward to see you soon!

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